Latest Health & Nutrition News and Videos
We tend to keep to ourselves in public – but e
Data on collagen supplements is more plentiful t
Inflammation can be tackled, but a multifaceted
Decentralized longevity platform announces Glyca
IgA nephropathy can raise your chances of depres
An Instagram influencer helps other people with
The “spillover effect” teaches us that doing
Company advances clinical-stage programs in IBS
There are many traditional fitness modalities fr
What are the most important steps to follow if y
The benefits of yoga include decreased stress an
Should you take supplements?
Some supplements reportedly boost mood — b
It’s normal to have sore muscles after you
Learn how to reduce stress and manage arthritis
Wyoming researchers spotlight tardigrade protein
A chef with Crohn’s disease found the kitchen
Company targets clinical trial of groundbreaking
Fatigue, headaches, stomach pain, and a higher r
Andrew Scott on why humanity must pursue an ‘e
Seeking out alternative remedies such as acupunc
Merger of two historic longevity nonprofits will
Company eyes clinical trials of mRNA therapy tar
Research shows that forms of talk therapy like c
Cancer caregiving is never easy, and when you’
Sleep eludes millions of people.
Learn what adultification bias is, what it looks
Physical therapy can fend off age-related change
Learn what it means to be fit, how to get there,
How well do old wives’ tales work in predi
If you are expecting twins and don’t know
Fatty15 CEO Stephanie Venn-Watson on why acciden
CAR T-cell therapy could be lifesaving if your l
A second opinion can be a key part of cancer tre
Lower-income communities often have less access
CaRi-Heart technology can uncover deadly coronar
Phase 2a trial targets end-stage liver disease w
A bladder diary tracks your fluid intake and out
Learn how biologics work to suppress an overacti
IgA nephropathy can be challenging, but a suppor
NTT DATA is tackling dementia with AI and digita
NSAIDs can help relieve the pain of rheumatoid a
Find out how to avoid knee damage.
A number of injectables, including corticosteroi
Tips from WebMD for parents who are ready to tra
WebMD explains why and how teens manipulate thei
As your child grows into adolescence, you need t
Find out why morning light can make for a better
Not enough ZZZs? Too many?
Do you dread bedtime because sleep isn’t resto
Whatfinger Longevity Vid Collection
Our collection of vids to help you live as long as humanly possible. see: Longevity Vids
All topics covered, please do all you can now to live as long as possible as with AI, there is hope we can all live much, much longer. And it is ALL going to happen in the next 5 years folks…. NO BS…. Hang on…fight.
He Should Have Been Dead 6 Years Ago – STAGE 4 CANCER. What the Medical establishment DOES NOT want you to know
More Vids to see:
Vitamin K2 – Question your doctor on it, If he doesn’t know about it, RUN! Get another opinion
Spirulina vs. Chlorella: Boost Your Mitochondrial Health with Supplements Easily
Fasting Success Made Easy Using Pre-Biotic Fiber, Coffee and MCT Oil
Health and Longevity News
The Goal: Help our readers live as long as humanly possible and be healthy with the latest tech, news and research.