Dark Chocolate. Olive oil. Red wine. What do these three foods all have in common? If you guessed polyphenols, then you are absolutely RIGHT. On this episode, I talk all about these amazing micronutrients, what they can do for your health, why my critics are WRONG about them, and the best (and worst) sources of polyphenols out there. I also invite you to join me in celebrating all the wonderful benefits of polyphenols on June 11th, which is National Polyphenol Day. It’s a holiday my team created to educate folks about polyphenols — and it happens to also be my birthday! Thank you to today’s sponsor, Allform! Visit Allform.com/GUNDRY for 20% off your custom furniture order! On this episode you’ll learn: How polyphenols can help protect YOU from environmental stressors as well (1:00) The real reason leaves “change colors” in the fall (you’ll never doubt the power of polyphenols again)(2:30) What all great winemakers know about polyphenols – and how to choose grapes with the most protective properties (4:30) The real reason I LOVE olive oil (it has nothing to do with the healthy fats) – and my potency trick for testing the quality of your olive oil (5:00) The newest cutting-edge info about polyphenols (and why they’re even MORE powerful than we thought) (7:30) One polyphenol misconception you MUST ignore – and the amazing benefits these nutrients can have on your gut (12:00) Why the COLOR of your food matters – and how the blue zones prove it (15:00) Why I always say “more bitter, more better” – and how following this rule can transform your health (21:00) How to support your heart health by eating CHOCOLATE (but you must follow THESE rules)(22:00) Why you should look for THESE labels on your next bottle of wine – and two of my favorite wine companies (25:00) 3 polyphenol-rich foods that I do NOT recommend and why (29:00)
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